10 Questions to Ask Before Launching Your Company Blog

blog_keyboardAccording to author and agency principal Bob Hoffman (aka The Ad Contrarian), “There are about 450 million English language blogs active in the world. That is 33% more than there are native English language speakers.”

Odds that overwhelming can give marketers pause when considering the potential value of a company blog.

However, not all blogs are created equally. HubSpot reports companies that blog have 55% more website visitors. And those that blog frequently out-perform those that only dabble.

Should you add blogging to your marketing channel mix? Take the following into consideration:

1. What is your goal?

Blogging just to be able to say you blog serves no purpose. Set goals for your blog, such as visits, leads and conversions.

2. What is your strategy?

Consider how your blog fits with the rest of your marketing initiative. How will your blog complement your website? How will your other marketing channels drive traffic to your blog? How will you convert the traffic that arrives?

3. Do you know your keywords?

Keywords are the words and phrases people type into search engines when looking for specific information. What words might lead prospects to your blog posts?

4. Do you know your audience?

Understanding the kinds of information your clients and prospects find valuable will help you writer your posts. Create personas for your various audiences and write as if you are talking across the table to them.

5. Do you have a call to action?

What do you want your prospects to do after they’ve read your post? Make sure you have a plan for engaging them further.

6. Do you have the time?

Engaging customers and prospects requires regular posting, at least once a week if not more. HubSpot’s research shows that companies who blog the most see the most return in traffic and leads. Recognize that writing blog posts requires a major commitment of time.

7. Who is your writer?

Ideally, you want someone who is passionate about your brand, knowledgeable and skilled at writing. Some organizations have multiple writers. You may also employ guest writers and even ghost writers.

8. What of value do you have to say?

Content is information about various topics of interest to your customers and prospects. For example, a gardening center might post gardening tips. Recognize that your blog will require the continuous and frequent generation of fresh content.

9. Do you have a perspective?

Your clients and prospects may not be interested in reading self-serving posts about your products and services again and again. However, they may be interested in your view on issues within your industry or your solutions to typical problems. To generate readership, be a thought leader.

10. Are you committed?
It should be obvious by now that blogging requires considerable time and resources to plan and execute. Make sure there is commitment at the highest level within your organization before proceeding.

For more information or help setting up your blog, contact us.

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