Choosing The Best Social For Your Brand

Social media’s ubiquitous rise within the last decade illuminates an important indication of where networking, content sharing and communication for the world is headed.

We can learn a great deal about ourselves from the ways we take in and disseminate information.

Luckily, mastering social media can be easy. We know social media has speed and reach – it’s because of this we find that public discourse has changed so greatly.


But social media also sets trends and creates agendas. It’s immensely powerful, and should be construed as a form of collective wisdom by brands. Brands should consider prioritizing and capitalizing on their social media platforms.

Social media can be used not only to your advantage, but also as a return on investment (ROI).

If your brand is a hot mess, social media realignment and considered retargeting may be a right choice for you. If your brand is lacking growth and outreach, consider your methods of communication.

Meet your audience where they are and take care not to force something that won’t potentially pay off for your consumers in the future.

With the sometimes overwhelming list of social media options, your brand may be asking itself:

What social accounts are going to be the most effective and valuable use of my time?

If I’m not using this platform how do I know if I’m missing out?








There are so many choices today, and we just don’t have time to invest in that presence, so what should we join and how do we know we’ve made the right choice?

There is not a definitive answer to that question.

It’s more important that your brand chooses social platforms carefully and nurtures the audience rather than spreading itself too thin.

Choose the social media that works best for your business.

Create a Successful Social Strategy

To create a successful social strategy, if you have yet to already, familiarize yourself with how each network works. Talk to colleagues and research competitors about their practices.

Recognize that different audiences will have the potential to be reached on different platforms. News Cred Insights broke it down in a report that revealed the demographics of each major social media platform and their projected social media gravitation in 2017.

By breaking down the demographics of social media audiences, businesses can analyze whether or not a network is right for them.

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(Credit: NewsCred.)

Choosing your social platforms may take some practice, but trial and error is ok.

While social platforms provide enormous opportunities for your brand’s growth, that does not mean you need to have 12 social media accounts. Find what social media works for your brand and maximize your reach and involvement.