Hart Blog


Written by Mike Hart - CEO, President | November 23, 2020

As I mentioned at the start of this pandemic, "Together in uncertain times, we know one thing is true – partnerships and trust matter. We are blessed to have great clients, and we thank all of our partners for being there with us through good times and challenging times."

As I reflect on the year since those remarks and look forward to the next, one thing overwhelms me. It's gratitude. 

November is often viewed as a month for gratitude, and at Hart we have plenty to be grateful for this holiday season. It is my hope that you’ll join me in sharing a hearty thank you with the following:

  • Our staff: A group of hardworking, dedicated people who show up every day from everywhere to give their best. You make us who we are.
  • Our valued clients, partners and vendors: In you, we have been inspired, and we join you lockstep in a journey from surviving to thriving. May the challenges of the past year turn to greater achievements in the new year.
  • Family and friends: No list of things I’m thankful for is complete without acknowledging how blessed I am with a great family. I pray you all have people in your life who have supported you through the trials of this year.
  • Everyone’s ability to adapt to change: We have all taken efforts to swiftly adapt and embrace the challenges of the moment – all with the goal of keeping each other safe and healthy.

May you all have a safe and healthy Thanksgiving holiday. Let’s all finish this year strong!


Every Day Greater!

Mike Hart, CEO