Hart Blog

To reach women, you have to get creative.

Written by Tiffany Vogel - Senior Copywriter | September 25, 2019

Today is Women’s Health & Fitness Day, making it the perfect time to share some women’s health insights from a marketing perspective.

Did you know pelvic floor disorders affect approximately 20% of all women and nearly 50% of women over 55? Also, an estimated 25 million Americans suffer from urinary incontinence, often alone and unnecessarily. This is unfortunate because nearly 60% of all incontinence can be treated with pelvic floor therapy. Yet, hardly anyone talks about their suffering. Not even with their doctors. In fact, 80% of those suffering never talk to their healthcare provider about their symptoms.

We wanted to change that. So we set out to reduce the stigma and embarrassment, and make women feel comfortable talking about what’s up down there. But how did we get women to seek medical help for something they were embarrassed about? We got creative.

We developed streaming radio and print ads using creative word combinations for symptoms women can relate to, such as “constantpation,” “jinkling,” “peezing” and “amping.” We also wrote native ads and native articles in a tone you would find in a women’s magazine versus a medical journal.


The results: 177 clicks-to-call from the landing page and extremely high engagement with the landing page (reading articles, requesting an appointment, viewing physician bios and more). And most impressive, while the campaign was running, ProMedica Pelvic Health realized their four highest-volume months ever.

If you’d like more insights on how to market to women or those in need of healthcare, we’d love to share. Give us a call.

Sharon Stemen
Manager, New Business Development
419.893.9600 Ext. 161