Hart Blog

We had the right ingredients to create a campaign that satisfied millennials.

Written by Tiffany Vogel - Senior Copywriter | July 17, 2018

Talk about a recipe for success.

Kahiki wanted to stand out from the crowd or, more specifically, the crowded frozen food section in local grocery stores. So, Kahiki enlisted our team to help drive awareness and trial among millennials for its Asian-inspired frozen food.

Research helped us home in on older millennials (25-37) and showed that convenience and health greatly influence this target audience.

When it comes to convenience, 62% of millennials reportedly purchased convenience foods in the last seven days compared to 47% of traditionalists and 56% of Gen Xers. Millennials spend the least amount of time per week (55 minutes less than Gen Xers) on food preparation, presentation and cleanup. And they grocery shop less often than other generations (5.5 times per month) – even less frequently the higher their income.1

Now, on to healthy eating. Millennials have an increased appetite for fruits and vegetables and believe “healthy” food is food that’s natural, locally sourced or sustainable. They also aren’t afraid to try new things and love ethnic food. Sixty-one percent of millennials have an interest in Asian cuisine.2

Knowing this health-conscious (and, by the way, price-conscious) demographic grocery shops less frequently than older generations, we leveraged their love of technology using multi-channel media – online video and hyper-targeted digital on mobile and desktop, Facebook and Instagram – to build a relationship before they even grabbed a cart. We did so with humorous, quirky and share-worthy digital videos. Because 53% of millennial shoppers make decisions about food purchases at home before their trip to the store, we were intent on reaching them before the point of purchase.1

Advertising as unexpected as its product.

The Kahiki spots feature Coach, a dynamic character who abruptly pops into situations where people are thinking about or planning a meal. The spots are funny, outrageous and surprising to generate awareness and drive online buzz.

And generate online buzz they did. The number of people who watched the entire spot was 6.5% higher than our goal, so we achieved a lower cost-per-view as well.1 Check out the spots for yourself.



Actors can’t have all the fun.

Anyone who knows us knows we’re all about sharing candid, “making of” footage taken during the creative process. Take a peek behind the scenes on our Kahiki shoot.




Hormone-free chicken isn’t the only thing Kahiki sources locally.

With locations in Columbus and Toledo, Hart can provide Kahiki the personal relationship we and they so greatly value. To learn more about our other food campaigns or see how together we can create engaging and effective advertising for you, contact:

Sharon Stemen
Manager, New Business Development
419.893.9600 Ext. 161


  1. USDA Food Purchase Decisions of Millennials Compared to Other Generations, December 2017
  2. Cuisine and Flavor Trends