Facebook advertising? What’s the point?


Facebook is a great source of paid digital media to help generate leads. Worldwide, there are over 1.35 billion monthly active Facebook users. Every 60 seconds on Facebook, 510 comments are posted, 293,000 statuses are updated and 136,000 photos are uploaded (source: The Social Skinny). So the real question is – why wouldn’t your company consider this channel?

If you’re still not sold, let’s review Facebook 101: 

  • Visibility – One in five page views in the U.S. occurs on Facebook. It’s practically guaranteed that your ads will be seen by your target audience, in addition to those you’ll reach with Facebook’s mobile marketing.
  • Results – There are different things you can do with your Facebook ads: boost your posts, promote your page, send people to your website, increase conversions on your website, get installs of your app, increase engagement in your app, reach people near your business, raise attendance at your event, get people to claim your offer and get video views. The results are both tangible and measurable. 
  • Reporting – To share Facebook advertising reports with our clients, which we typically do biweekly, we’ve created a template to show their results. With pie charts and graphs that clearly illustrate CTRs, reach, frequency, impressions, clicks, etc., it’s easy to make decisions about what copy and images to tweak to drive higher results.
  • Cost Efficiency – You can put any amount of money behind this version of paid ads. Choose how many days the campaign will run and whether you’d like a daily or lifetime budget. If you’re confused at all about their pricing system, you can go to Facebook Ad Manager for information on ad set cost and budgeting.
  • Visual – According to Forbes, 65% of the population are visual learners. With Facebook advertising, you have the option of creating any image to catch the user’s eye. You may monitor and change the image and copy whenever you would like throughout the campaign. (By the way, the recommended image size is 1200x444 pixels.) 
  • Control – You have the opportunity to control exactly who is being served your ads. You get to choose the location (down to the zip code), age, gender, languages, interested, behaviors and connections. Facebook will then present you with a potential reach based on your custom audience.

But it’s not enough to just put some images and words out there and throw a little money behind them. Remember, Facebook advertising is tactical, not strategic. We’ve seen the success our clients have had with it, but only when we craft messages that are on brand and part of an overall strategy.


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